Công ty TNHH Quản lý chất thải Chiết Giang Zhezai giới thiệu máy ủ phân cải tiến cho năm 2025

Zhejiang Zhezai Waste Management Co., Ltd. is excited to unveil its enhanced composting machines for 2025.
The Self-propelled Compost Turner features advanced capabilities, including remotecontrol operation, which allows for increased efficiency and reduced laborcosts. This machine is designed to minimize wear and tear, thereby extendingits lifespan and reducing maintenance costs. Its 360-degree tossing function ensures optimal fermentation by improving air circulation and mixing efficiency.
Additionally, the company will continue to offer the Tractor-drawn Compost Turner, which provides a cost-effective and versatile solution for farms and compostingfacilities. These machines are designed to work seamlessly with tractors,offering high torque and overload protection for robust performance.
Zhejiang ZhezaiWaste Management Co., Ltd. remains committed to driving innovation and sustainability in waste management, helping clients achieve greater efficiencyand environmental benefits.

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